
What is the sales funnel?


The sales funnel is a very intuitive sales opportunity status statistical report.

Normally, if the number of sales opportunities at each stage is represented by a horizontal bar graph, because the number of each stage is different, the horizontal bar will be long or short. 

If all the graphs are arranged according to the stage If the above rules are arranged up and down (for example, customers in the "needs understanding" stage should be ranked above customers who "signed a contract"), because in general, the higher the stage in the entire sales opportunity, the more the quantity, and the closer the stage is. The smaller the final quantity, so the whole graph is funnel-shaped, so it is called the sales funnel.

Through this report, users can clearly see the status distribution of all current sales opportunities. If a user's sales funnel chart is not funnel-shaped, it may be that there is a problem in one or more links of the user's customer development work. Maybe It is a strategy aspect, maybe a skill aspect, careful analysis can find out the cause of the problem, and then solve the problem as soon as possible.
Successful companies like Starbucks, Nike, and Coca-Cola are businesses that took the time to actually build a system to
attract the right prospects and convert them into paying customers.They have figured out how to acquire customers and profits at scale with a constantly updated and effective sales pipeline.
This helps them understand how potential customers think and behave at every stage of the buying process.
These insights give them the ammunition to follow up on the right sales campaigns through the right channels with the most relevant messages to convert more prospects into paying customers.
Let's take a very simple example:

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